Food Grains
The little millet may be called little but in no means its nutritional content is little. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among others. It also provides essential fats to the body, the kind that helps in weight loss. Its high fibre content is yet another positive making it an ideal part of pongal or even kheer instead of rice.
Little millet is also called as king of cereals because of its rich nutritional and medicinal value. It contains high phosporous. It especially good for people who has low body mass. Few recipes which can be prepared using little millet are Samai Dosai, Samai idli, Samai kichadi, Samai pongal, Samai rice.
Millets are gluten free and rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. Little millet is rich in cholesterol, when consumed increases good cholesterol in the body, suitable for growing kids. Little millet strengthens the body. It’s complex carbohydrates digest slowly which is very helpful for diabetic patients.
Health benfits of Little Millets:
Foxtail millet is something which was first naturalised in China. It is an annual grass which grows up to the height of 60-150 centimetres. Foxtail millets are rich in calories that provide energy and strength to the body. This plant is widely cultivated in India, Africa and China. It is also considered as the perfect substitute for the healthy diets.These millets are rich in fibre and minerals like iron and copper. This is what helps in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol and keeps immune system strong.
“Foxtail millets come under small-grain millets. These millets can be a very good alternative to rice and wheat, which is very good for diabetic population and also for obese people,” says Janaki Srinath, Nutritionist. She adds that foxtail millets have a very healthy profile of fatty acids.
Health benefits of Foxtail Millet:
As foxtail millets are highly alkaline in nature, people who use these millets in their diet will have better PH balance and digestion.
As mentioned above, foxtail millets are rich in fibre. This helps in movement of food, removes leftover food in the canal and prevents gas formation. It is also the best remedy for curing stomach problems. Having porridge made out of these millets helps in stabilising diarrhoea by clearing the stomach.
By including foxtail millets in one’s diet help a great deal in clearing the blockages in block vessels. It removes all the blood clots and fatty deposits. It not only cleans the vessels but also helps in rejuvenating them.
These millets help in improving one’s appetite. Include this in your main meal by making rotis out of it which will drastically improve your appetite.
Brown top Millet is a warm season grass that produces seeds that are highly desired by pheasants, turkeys, ducks and other game birds. Brown top grows to heights of 2-3 feet and grows well in rich moist dark soils.
Health benefits of Brown top Millets
Proso millet is more commonly known as whit millet or hog millet. Its scientific nomenclature is Panicum miliaceum. Prose millet compared to other food grains seeing it has the lowest water requirement for any cereal. This is why it is generally grown in arid conditions and rain shadow regions. It is a cheaper source of manganese as compared to other conventional sources like spices and nuts.
Health benefits of Proso millet comes from its unique properties among millets. It is completely gluten free, has significant amounts of carbohydrates and fatty acids. Apart from these, it also contains essential minerals like phosphorus, manganese, magnesium etc. It can also be added in a variety of dishes. It is a tiny, pale yellow seed with a nutty flavour which can be either eaten whole or cooked. It can be tossed into salads, stir fried with vegetables and tofu, or just eaten for breakfast with some milk and honey.
Health benefits of Proso Millet
Kodo millet was domesticated in India almost 3000 years ago. It is found across the old world in humid habitats of tropics and subtropics. It is a minor grain crop in India and an important crop in the Deccan plateau.
As with other food grains, the nutritive value of Kodo millet protein could be improved by supplementation with legume protein. The fiber content of the whole grain is very high. Kodo millet has around 11% protein. Millets are a natural source of protein and iron. Millet is very easy to digest; it contains a high amount of lecithin and is excellent for strengthening the nervous system. Millets are rich in B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folic acid, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Millets contain no gluten. So they are not suitable for raised bread, but they are good for people who are gluten-intolerant
Health benefits of Kodo Millets
Barnyard millet known as kuthiravali in Telugu, Jhangora in Hindi and Kavadapullu in Malayalam which has 6 times high fiber content when compared with wheat. Its a gluten free millet with high calcium, phosporous & fiber. It is high in carbohydates & fat too. It helps to maintain the body temperature. It acts as a good anti oxidant too.
Where it’s produced:
Barnyard millet, with its nutritional profile, should belong on our tables already. It has 6 times more of fibre than wheat making it an ideal weight loss millet. The fibre will help maintain satiety. Apart from this, millet is rich sources of bone-building minerals calcium and phosphorus. The good antioxidant profile makes it an ideal replacement to rice in dosa/idli/dhokla batters.
Health Benefits of Barnyard Millet
Quinoa contains about 4.4 grams of protein per 100 grams, a little more than millet. In addition, however, quinoa is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids—not produced by the human body—and the millet does not. So while millet is good for you and offers many essential minerals, quinoa takes the win in this grain showdown.
11 Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa
Quinoa is one of the world's most popular health foods. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain all nine essential amino acids.
It is also high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.