RLS- Zeolyte Granules & Zeolyte Powder
- Prevents SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, Mgo, Na2O, K2O, Mn, P
- The high CEC of Super Fresh absorbs toxic gases like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide etc from pond water.
- Reduces turbidity of pond water.
- Removes off flavours from pond water and bottom.
- Improves DO Levels.
- Helps for optimum plankton growths.
- Reduces pond bottom sludge.
- Makes the animals healthy, active and stress free.
- Allow normal feeding.
- Increases cation exchanges capacity of soil resulting in less fertilizer.
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RLS- Minerals
- Calcium 35%
- Cobalt 300ppm
- Phosphorus 8%
- Iron 1000ppm
- Sulphur 5.0gms
- Manganese 2.0gm
- Selenium 0.05ppm
- Magnesium 2.5gms
- Chloride 20 gms
- Iodine 200mg
- Sodium 14.5gms
- Aluminum 1250 ppm
- L-Lysine 5gms
- Potassium 100 ppm
- DL-Metheonine 2.0gm
- Molybdenam 0.00125 ppm
- Liver east 625 CFU
- Biotin 520 meg
- Zinc 2.16gm
- Bacteria (Probitics) 60000 millions
- Copper 420ppm
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RLS- PS/GEL/Probiotics
Vegetalive Photo Synthetic bacteria Rhodo bacter species and beneficial spore forming bacteria like Rhodococus specices
- Reduce the formation of hydrogen sulphide in the pond
- Increases the beneficial microbial communities
- Maintaining the water ph levels in the pond
- Improves the DO levels in the pond
- Reduces the sludge formation in the pond
- Prevents the growth of pathogenic micro organisms like vobrio
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EDTA or ethylene di-amine-tetra acetic is novel molecule for complexing metal ions. The unusual property of EDTA, chelation. Chelation is capture of positive charged metal ions by a large molecule. EDTA has the capacity to chelate almost of all positive ions especially calcium. EDTA has t own importance in aquatic ecosystem in bore water shrimp culturing.
- Reduces heavy metal (Copper, Iron, Mercury) pollution.
- Reduces hard shell problems.
- Chelate calcium deposits from the shrimp body.
- Corrects Hardness and alkalinity problems.
- Maintains optimum pH levels in pond waters.
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RLS- Oxygen Granules/Tablets
Provides active oxygen to help immediately increase the availability of dissolved oxygen in the pond.
Improves survival rate during stocking, late culture and before harvesting.
Support the stress management and immune supportive program for shrimp and fish Improves environmental conditions and water quality during water crisis and reduces BOD & COD.
Accelerates moulting and regulates uniform ecdysis.
Active Ingredient:
- Active oxygen minimum of 13.5%
Direction of use:
When dissolved oxygen concentration is low and shrimp/fish starts to float up to the surface of water, spread AQUA OX directly to the water at the recommended usage rate. Turn on the aerator for a appropriate mixing and even distribution.
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RLS- Chlorides (Potassium/Magnesium/Calcium)
Macro & Micro Minerals:
Active Ingredient:
Calcium : 24%
Phosphorus : 12%
Iron : 5,000 mg
Magnesium : 6,750 mg
Potassium : 100 mg
Sodium : 5.9 mg
Zinc : 10,250 mg
Sulphur : 0.92%
Cobalt : 210 mg
Copper : 1,200 mg
Iodine : 325 mg
Manganese: 1,560 mg
Molybdenum: 1, 25 mcg
Selenium : 12 mg
Vitamin C : 5,000 mg
Vitamin E : 2,650 mg
Vitamin B1: 1,500 mg
Nicotinamide: 1,200 mg
Biotin : 200 mcg
Folic Acid: 110 mg
Choline Chloride: 2,600 mg
Amino Acids:
DL-Methionine: 1,950 mg
L-Lysine : 5,200mg
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RLS- Planicton Growth (Powder/Granules)
Best Growth Promoter:
Having High Potency amino acids, be complex and enzymes feed supplement.
- Improves Protein and amino acid metabolism.
- Excellent livability, growth feed conversion in prawn and fish.
- Better Protection of liver in fish and prawn.
- Maximum Protection in protein deficiency state in fish and prawn.
- Faster recovery from decease out brake by combating stress in fish and prawn.
- Tissue repair and reconstruction in fish and prawn.
- Hence SUPER GROW is proven is a good growth promoter for pran and fish.
25 ml to 50 ml of SUPER GROW in 1kg of pellet feed, or as directed by the Aquaculture consultant.
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RLS- GEL (Binder/Protein/Growth Promoter)
Each 1 Ltr contains:
Protein: 10 gm
Betaine: 1.2 gm
Proogel is an excellent binding to use feed additives in powder form, for supplementation along with pelleted feeds to achieve growth promotion, higher efficiency in F.C.R. and to prevent stress and disease in Aqua culture. Proogel provides necessary binding for the supplemented feed additives preventing any wastage or leaching of active ingredients.
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RLS- Yucco Powder
It is used to reducer the ammonia content in the water.
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RLS- Vitamin C
Each Gram contains Vitamin C 500 mg
- Avoids stress conditions, prevents chelation of minerals thus preventing shell weakness, reduces mortality resistance.
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RLS- Aqua Choice
The unique bio organic product is aqua friendly specially formulated to keep aquatic farms in resisting adverse conditions. The product is suitable to all types of soils such as alkaline, acidic and saline. It helps in the maintenance / regulation of oxygen supply to the ponds and keeps the carbon / nitrogen ratio in right balance.
The Product prompts and accelerates stable blooms in zoo and phytoplankton. The contents of the product Manganese, Boron, Magnesium, Cobalt and Iron supplements growth of animal in organic form. This is eco-friendly product which makes ponds pollution free and produces probiotic bacteria controlling negative microbes (eg, luminescent bacteria).
Application: 500 Kgs per acre (initial)
100 Kgs / monthy
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RLS- Aqua Bio Fertilizer
- Aqua Bio fertilizers are in bio available and contain bacterial mass in set doses.
- Nitrogen fixation from atmosphere is enabled.
- Phosphorous gets solubilize in aquatic habitats.
- Enhances aquatic vegetative growth.
- Sustains aquatic organism.
- Promotes growth of plankton
Application: 4 Kg per acre (every 15 days
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RLS- Aqua N.S and N.B
- Probiotic base organism
- Works on predominantly Ammonia Cycle.
- Acts on ammonia generated from unwanted food materials and dead animals.
- Avoids generation of Poisonous gases from accumulated waste materials.
- This helps to maintain equilibrium in the pond.
- Maintains O2 levels in the pond by neutralizing ammonia gases.
- Maintains better digestive bio chemistry within the body of shrimp and fish.
- Improves feed intake.
- Helps in the growth of plankton.
Application: 4 Kg per acre (every week).
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RLS- Aqua Cleane X
- Restricts generation of H2S gas.
- Minimizes bad odours.
- Works on degrading bottom sludge
- Creates healthy environment in the pond
- Maintains O2 levels.
- Enhances the feed intake.
- Improves water quality by minimizing pollutants
- Arrests hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide and other toxic gases.
Application: 5 to 10 Litres per acre (every 10 days)
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RLS- Aqua Bio Floc
- Maintains the FCR as natural feed.
- Improves farm bio security.
- Reduces evolution of pathogen.
- Less consumption of feed Reduces Cost of feed
- Microbial community rapidly utilizes dissolved nitrogen.
- Improves quality of water.
- Increases immunity rapidly utilizes dissolved nitrogen.
- Conversion of nitrogen into proteins.
- Production per unit area is 25% (Min.) more in Bio Floc system when compared to conventional method.
Application: 100 ml per acre (every day) – Month-1, 200 ml per acre (every day) – Month-2 , 300 ml per acre (every day) – Month-3 and Above.
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RLS- Aqua Kiran
- Kiran is organic feed additive 100% chemical free
- Eco-friendly and readily digestible product.
- A combo pack of high quality micro and macro growth nutrients.
- Increases the feed intake of shrimp and fish.
- Increases the body mass of the animal.
- Corrects vitamin deficiencies
- Increases immunity and supports healthy growth.
- Develops stress free defence mechanism of the animal
- Develops shiny shrimp/ fish.
Application: 5-10 ml per 1 Kg. of feed (every day one meal)
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RLS- Aqua Blue Plus
- Blue Plus effectively condoles gut disorders such as white gut, white faeces and damaged haepatopancreases in shrimp
- Acts in 72 hours controlling floating faecal matter and white gut.
- Recovers damaged white coloured haepatopancreases and mixospiridians of shrimp to normal colour.
- Regenerates spoiled white coloured tissue.
- Increases feed intake capacity of shrimp so that rapid increases in weight.
- Reduces external stress on shrimp and helps for healthy growth.
- Prevents pathogenic bacteria in shrimp gut and improves immune system of shrimp.
Application : 5-10 ml per Kg. feed (1 Meal daily) 1 Litre per acer (very 10 days)
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RLS – Aqua Glory
- Chemical free Bio organic product
- Protects shell
- Solves louse shell problem
- Resists cramps disease.
- Activeness increases rapidly
- Growth increases
- Can’t find any feeling prawn at the time of harvesting
- Safely used replacing Di-calcium Phosphate.
Application: 1 liter per acre (Every 10 days)
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